

Friends & Partners

The Prep School Baccalaureate is an assessment model that has at its heart the development of the values, skills, attitudes and behaviours required for children to succeed and flourish in an ever changing world. Children are encouraged, recognised and celebrated in their achievements, and directly prepared for the next step of their educational journey.

The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) is a schools association with around 650 of the world’s leading prep schools in membership.

Schools must reach a very high standard to be eligible for membership, with strict criteria on teaching a broad curriculum, maintaining excellent standards of pastoral care and keeping staff members’ professional development training up to date.

Although each of our schools is independent, and has its own ethos, they are all committed to delivering an excellent, well-rounded education to the pupils in their care.

We believe that schools should be unfettered by government interference and with fewer financial and other resourcing constraints than state schools, to ensure that their educational provision is tailored to the needs of the individual children.